Employee seasonal 1 week review Please answer the below questions as honestly and as possible. If you answer No to any of these questions, please give a summary as to why to help us understand. Please answer the below questions as honestly and as possible. If you answer No to any of these questions, please give a summary as to why to help us understand. Name Date Departments you have worked in 1. How do you feel you have settled in during your first week 2. During your induction with HR, including any prior correspondence, do you feel you were given all the necessary information to start work with us? 2. During your induction with HR, including any prior correspondence, do you feel you were given all the necessary information to start work with us? Yes No 3. If answered No to question 2 please detail, why? If answered Yes please move to question 4. 4. During your first week, within the departments you have worked, do you feel you received suitable induction to each area and were shown all necessary procedures to carry out your duties? 4. During your first week, within the departments you have worked, do you feel you received suitable induction to each area and were shown all necessary procedures to carry out your duties? Yes No 5. Any improvements or suggestions? 6. Have you reviewed your employment guide and understand our key policies such as leave, dress code etc. 6. Have you reviewed your employment guide and understand our key policies such as leave, dress code etc. Yes No 7. Any further comments or anything you wish to raise? Submit Form