+44 (0) 1579 350561


Delivery Feedback Report

We would be greatful if you could take the time to leave us some feedback on your delivery. if we do not receive any feedback within 3 days of your delivery being received, we will assume everything was to your satisfaction.

Plants / Labels Received

Did the products received match the delivery note?

Please provide details of any issues with plants / labels:

Please provide details of any issues with an InstaPlant design:

How would you rate the overall quality of the plants received?

Please provide details of any quality issues:

Please provide details of any pests or disease found:

Packaging / Transport

Please select the packaging / transport method used:

How would you rate the overall quality of the packaging / transport?

Please provide details of any issues with the packaging:

Please provide details of any issues with the transport:

Quality of Service

How would you rate the overall service received from Kernock Park Plants?

Please provide details of any issues with the service received: