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Rockin™ ‘Blue Suede Shoes’ continues to extend the award winning ‘Rockin’ range of Salvia’s. The series fill a brief to be compact, yet impactful for the extended season providing great value for money and enjoyment for many months. This series delivers fantastic container and patio appeal compared to previous forms, due to their much-improved compact habit. This particular variety definitely deserves its place in this series due to its light blue flowers, black calyx, which contrast perfectly with the dark green foliage and pair well with existing colours in the series. Expect continuous blooms all summer long right through to the first frosts. A real summer stunner!…
50 Plants / Tray | 50 Plants / Tray | 50 Plants / Tray | 100 Plants / Tray | 50 Plants / Tray |
50 Plants / Tray | 100 Plants / Tray | 50 Plants / Tray | 50 Plants / Tray | 50 Plants / Tray |